The Bayesian Conspiracy
The Bayesian Conspiracy
220 - Chalmer's Zombies, with Liam

220 - Chalmer's Zombies, with Liam

We dig into the classic LW post Zombies! Zombies? and talk a lot of philosophy with Liam from the 2 Rash 2 Unadvised podcast.

I (Steven) spent a bunch of time trying to export the conversation from Discord that Liam, Eneasz, and I had. I thought it provided a lot of awesome extra depth to the episode's topic. Did you know that it's basically impossible to export from Discord? I’d have edited it for brevity but just getting it at all took forever. Check it out here

Also, our hero AskWho audio-ized it! You can listen to the exchange rather than read it here.

Stay tuned for next time as we talk about... A One Way Interaction With An Additional Fundamental Law of Reality?

Zombies! Zombies?
2 Rash 2 Unadvised (the Terra Ignota analysis podcast)
The Conscious Mind by David Chalmers
Consciousness As Recursive Reflections, a guest post by Daniel Bottger at ACD

0:00:05 – Zombies!
01:56:37 – Guild of the Rose
02:00:22 – Thank the Patron

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Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast

LessWrong Sequence Posts Discussed in this Episode:

Zombies! Zombies?

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The Bayesian Conspiracy
The Bayesian Conspiracy
A conversational podcast about things of interest to rationalists